Thursday, 20 September 2007

Cloughie's spirit will always live on

Three years ago I know exactly what I was doing. Why? Because on 20th September 2004 one of the most important people in my life died. He was of course Brian Clough. The greatest ever man to be linked with Nottingham Forest, and the very reason I am a fan of the Club today.

Although my dad hails from Nottingham, it's highly unlikely that I would have become a Forest fan if it weren't for Cloughie. At the age of nine, I wouldn't have been interested in Forest if they weren't in the public eye and winning things. There wouldn't have been much scope for my supporting them back in the days when only the First Division, as it was then, got any real coverage.
So I owe absolutely everything to Cloughie. He gave me Forest, which, although it is hard to believe at times, has made my life magical, when it could quite easily have been completely colourless.

Brian Clough may never have been made a Sir officially, but to all Forest fans he was a Messiah. He made Nottingham Forest what they are today, and because of that, he has in a way achieved immortality.

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